How To Make A Glow-In-The-Dark Name Sign
Do you like to reuse useless junk you have everywhere and make it into something cool, useful, and simply amazing? I do! That’s why I came up with a way to take cardboard and make it into a glow-in-the-dark, name sign!
For this craft you will need:
- A piece of cardboard
- Glow in the dark glue
- Spray paint
- Hot glue/hot glue gun
- Yarn
- Things to decorate* your sign: ex. Pom poms
- Pencil
- Scissors
- Brush
- Acyrlic paint
Take your piece of cardboard and draw a big circle/rectangle on it. Cut this circle/rectangle out. Spray paint this with the desired colored spray paint as your background. Then draw the symbol or name on your cardboard. Fill this in with the glow-in-the-dark glue using a brush.
Afterwards clean this brush VERY WELL AND EXTENSIVELY. Then use a brush to outline your symbol/name with acrylic paint. Warm up your hot glue gun and then you may decorate your sign with whatever little decorations* you have. Then cut some yarn and twist it into a chord, braid, or leave it as it is. If you are using more than one string of yarn, hot glue the tips of the strings together.
Then hot glue the yarn to the back of the sign. The first tip and second tip should be an inch or two apart so that it creates a loop with which you can hold your homeade sign from. When everything is dry and firm, you are finished!
I hope you enjoyed this craft! If you did, please subscribe and comment. Thank you!
To watch me make a name sign, watch this:
* Some examples for decorations are stickers, jewels, pom poms, and painting designs on it using acrylic paint.